Paruparong bukid na lilipad-lipad
Sa gitna ng daan papagapagaspas
Isang bara ang tapis
Isang dangkal ang manggas
Ang sayang de kola
Isang piyesa ang sayad
May payneta pa siya — uy!
May suklay pa mandin — uy!
Nagwas de-ohetes ang palalabasin
Haharap sa altar at mananalamin
At saka lalakad na pakendeng-kendeng
Its not that bad to adapt our culture.All we have to do is to treasured it.
ReplyDeleteThe paru-paro symbolizes either the man or the woman.Butterfly symbolizes a lot.We should treasure them and be thankful to them.
ReplyDeleteShowing your feelings is not that bad.It's better to show it than hiding it.
ReplyDeleteGirls must be respected.Way back on the 30th to 80th century, though there are still some who did or still valued our culture in the essence of clothing still some change and adapt others countries culture.
ReplyDeleteIt's not bad to adapt other culture but on what we have we must treasured it.Proud to be filipina.