Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Influence of Colonization

     The Colonization affects our ways of living in so man ways and reason. What are they? So many to mention yet so difficult to ignore. It sharpened our mind and widens our imagination. It is a big help in expressing our self in terms of the literature that was made behind on it. We think more possibilities in testing and observing our life under that said colonization. Because of that colonization, Filipinos used and learn to express their self in writing and reading. Learn to fight for their freedom with the used of their writings. What are we going to do, is to valued their writings and learn some lesson on it. It was written not just to be appreciated but to learn some lesson on it as well. It was really useful if we, the readers know and apply their purpose of why they wrote those many masterpieces.

     They have so many influences that had been brought to us. American Influences can still be seen in the country's system of education, literature, art, architecture, science, industry, home, food, clothes, religion, pastimes, music and dances. Filipinos took education seriously which resulted to the high social status of some Filipinos. The Filipinos learned how to read, speak and write English in a short matter of time. If the Spaniards used religion as an excuse to capture Filipino's hearts and minds, the Americans poisoned our way of thinking through education. Because of these, the Filipino have neglected and set aside their own culture and their own identity. The influences of the colonizers have become permanently implanted in our culture. The Filipino people themselves have internalized them. They cannot be undone anymore. For either good or bad, they brought the Filipinos into the world of their culture, into the world of their civilization and its products.

     Colonization is really a great impact in the life of the Filipinos. Being colonized by the other culture is not easy. But whatever the results are, we must accept the fact that Filipinos must adapt the changes and accept all the challenges and difficulties happened in their life. Without those struggles that we encountered Filipinos won’t be strong. We won’t be ready to face on the challenges that we encountered and soon to be encounter in the journey of our life. Many people says that we don’t benefit from colonization, but for me they are wrong. We can quote that  “ We can never go back and change what has been done, but we can always earn the lesson learned to make things better next time”. With colonization, they brought the people together and now are part of the beautiful and colorful Filipino culture. For whatever happened and what will happen, let’s just have a full faith in God. Filipinos must be grateful to our creator. And lastly, as a Filipino, we must dream for a better tomorrow.

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